Just Wear It


To wear or not to wear? Well, it is not really a question. Face masks help stop the spread of the Corona virus. It is one thing that all of us can do: please, just wear it!

Face Masks

Yes, masks are hot, sweaty, and perhaps a bit uncomfortable. But what is the alternative? There is none. Vaccines are being developed, but they still need to be tested, approved, and then administered. In the best case scenario, this process will take 4-5 months; realistically it might take a year.


We are all itching to get back to work and school, see our friends at Knit Night, eat at a restaurant, go dancing, attend fiber festivals in person, and get back to normal. Many people are hurting: worrying about how to pay the bills or about a family member who is lonely and depressed. Friends can’t see each other, relatives have to miss weddings, and, most sadly, family members cannot come together to grieve those who have died because of Covid-19. These are difficult times all around.

The New Normal

Nevertheless, life goes on. Somehow living socially distanced has become the new normal. We do Zoom calls instead of meetings in the conference room, teachers and students hold classes online, and fiber festivals have gone virtual. It is not the real thing, but it is reality for now.

Yet not everything can happen online and none of us lives in a vacuum. We still need to go to the grocery store and to the doctor’s office; it is summertime and people want to enjoy the beach. And we can do all of this --- as long as we are careful and watch out for each other. We all heard it and know the drill: let’s wear a mask, let’s keep a 6-foot-distance, and let’s wash our hands.

At the beginning of the pandemic, health officials told the general public not to wear masks. N95 masks were in short supply and the fear was that health care providers wouldn’t have enough personal protective equipment (PPE) to safely do their jobs. A lot has changed since then.

Production of PPE has been ramped up significantly and sufficiently and many people have dug out their sewing machines and are making cloth masks themselves. Masks are widely available: either pretty cloth ones on Etsy or commercial ones on Amazon. Free sewing patterns are available online if you want to make your own. You can also use a bandana to cover your face or get a free disposable mask at the entrance of most stores.


Do your part

Study after study has shown that masks help stop the spread of the coronavirus. They may not be perfect, but they help by providing a simple, physical barrier for the virus. Masks are low-tech, easy to wear with no side-effects and minimal discomfort. It is something we all can do: to protect ourselves and to look out for each other.

Things will get better, eventually, and this pandemic will be over. Until then, please stay safe and healthy.

Just wear it!!