Posts tagged knitting love
The Joy of Fiber Festivals

Knitters love fiber festivals and we miss them. Thanks to the pandemic this year, all spring festivals were cancelled and there is a chance that there will be no fall events either. Read what it takes to become a vendor and what goes on behind the scenes. Also, read a perspective from a non-knitting accompanying spouse.

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Knitting is Good for Your Health

Knitters know that knitting is good for our health. Now there is scientific proof that this is indeed true. Knitting lowers one’s blood pressure, helps with anxiety, provides comfort and eases the sense of loneliness.

How can a de facto solitary activity provide a sense of belonging and purpose? Find out in our blog post.

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The Joy of Knitting Socks

Socks are a joy to knit: they make for small, manageable, and portable projects. Many knitters carry a sock project with them at all times in case you have to wait at the doctor’s office or get stuck in traffic.

Socks are super useful and wearable. Knitting socks is enjoyable twice: knitting and wearing. Read our blog to find out about sock yarn, needles, and patterns —- and start knitting socks.

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